
Are You Over-Stressed?

are you over-stressed?
I'm Tara -

Mom of 3. Barre and Yoga Teacher. Holistic Health + Lifestyle Coach. 
Follow along as I share what I've learned in wellness and in life. ♡

hey there

Are You Over-Stressed? I was looking over the quiz results from my website quiz where you can find out what’s really holding you back (if you haven’t taken it yet, you can take it here). You’re results could be: over-stressed, over-tired, over-scheduled, or on the right track. The results aren’t that surprising.

Wanna know the top result??


I could have guessed it, and to be honest being over-tired and over-scheduled will eventually lead to more stress if you don’t learn to manage it or reel it in. And I’ve had to learn and practice it, too, so today we’re talking about a single technique that could make all the difference.


It has been hard for me to accept napping as something that was good for me. It has always felt like I was wasting time or that I should be doing other things instead. Naps weren’t something that I did growing up (I’m talking middle school ages and up). Productivity, however, was highly encouraged. So naturally, I developed a belief that naps weren’t a good use of time.

When my kids were babies and toddlers, I would often lie down with them to help them fall asleep, but then would quickly hop up because that was my chance to get some things done. The years of that go-go-go mentality caught up with me and my metabolism, adrenals, and thyroid all took a hit.

Little by little, I’ve changed that belief.

Yes, there is always more on my to-do list, but I can’t do anything well if I’m not rested. And over the last couple of years, napping has been especially important to healing.

If you’re struggling to have energy to get through the day, having difficulty losing weight despite doing all the right things (exercise, water, healthy diet), and/or feeling stressed, overwhelmed, anxious, and impatient…… you probably need a nap.

When our body is over-worked, it will learn to compensate to try to keep up. One way to help your body recover is to take naps or rest. At first it may be difficult for you to actually nap – so you can start with just some rest (screen-free). Maybe you listen to music, stretch or meditate, read a book, or lie down horizontal and breathe. Working your way up to a nap.

For weight lost specifically, your body needs rest.

If you’re over-training and not building in some recovery, you may not lose weight. In order for your body to convert body fat into CO2, it requires a lot of metabolic energy. (you read that right, when you lose weight, you breathe it out) So rest is important, especially for women.

Once I began listening to my body instead of powering through, I noticed improved mood, patience, energy, ability to handle stress more effectively, and think more clearly. And the nap you take today, will help you over the next several days.

See if you can carve out some time to take a nap this weekend. 😉


xx, Tara

organized, doer,

Hi, I'm Tara.

  • BSBA in Marketing, University of Denver, 2005 | Division 1 Athlete
  • 12  years of experience working remote
  • Technical skills: Canva, Ontraport, Flodesk, Mailchimp, Facebook Ads, Instagram, Zoom, LeadPages, Wordpress, AccessAlly Affiliate Program, Showit, Google Docs, Asana, WP Engine, NS Cloner, Divi Builder + Basic HTML, Live Lauching + Evergreen, Later 

free resource

Planning your month ahead is one of the best habits to reduce stress around what to eat every day. Use these simple planners to stay organized and on top of it all.

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We are a result of what we do most often and most consistently. When you focus on these 5 micro-habits, you'll notice a positive shift in how you feel in your mind + body. 

Micro-Habits to Change the Game

It's what we do most of the time that makes all the difference. These five micro-habits are not only doable, but they yield real results.

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"The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old, but on building the new."


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